วันสุดท้ายของปฏิทินชาวมายาคือ 21 ธันวาคม 2555

by Steven McFadden
October, 2002

In early Autumn 2002, Carlos Barrios journeyed North from his home in Guatemala to the Eastern edge of the Four Corners. In Santa Fe, NM, at the tail of the Rocky Mountain spine, Mr. Barrios spoke in a knowledgeable manner about the Mayan tradition and the fabled Mayan calendars.

The Mayan calendars are an object of intense interest for many thousands of people right now, because they focus upon the watershed date of Dec. 21, 2012. Everything changes by then, it is said.

ปฏิทินมายัน เป็นสิ่งที่น่าสนใจอย่างมากของผู้คนในขณะนี้ เพราะวันที่ 21 ธันวาคม 2012 เป็นจุดสนใจ ถูกกล่าวถึงว่าเป็นวันที่จะเกิดการเปลี่ยนแปลง

With a cultural heritage including thousands of pyramids and temples, and a calendar that has proven itself to be astronomically accurate over millions of years, the Maya tradition is widely considered to be a mystic key to the soul of Turtle Island (North America).

การสืบสายวัฒนธรรมรวมถึงสิ่งก่อสร้าง ปิรามิด และวัดนับพันแห่ง มีปฏิทินของตนเองที่ได้รับการพิสูจน์ถึงความถูกต้องทางดาราศาสตร์ มากกว่าพันปีปฏิทิน ความเชื่อของชาวมายาจึงได้รับการพิจารณาว่าเป็นกุญแจพิศวง ด้านจิตวิญญาณ ของคนแถบอเมริกาเหนือ

In public talks and in private interviews, Mr. Barrios laid out his account of the history and future of the Americas, and the larger world, based on his understanding of the Mayan tradition as both an anthropologist and an initiate. He spoke also about the path he sees ahead from now until the Winter Solstice of 2012.

Mr. Barrios ได้พูดถึงประวัติศาสตร์, อนาคตของดินแดนแถบอเมริกา และโลกใหม่ ตามความเชื่อของเขาเกี่ยวกับความเชื่อของชาวมายา ทั้งด้านมนุษย์วิทยา และจุดกำเนิด เขายังพูดถึงสิ่งที่เขามองจากปัจจุบันจนถึงวัน the Winter Solstice of 2012 (วันที่สั้นที่สุดในฤดูหนาวของปี 2555)

The range of teachings and insights offered by Mr. Barrios must be considered in the context of the realpolitik in his American homeland. The Maya of Guatemala, their pyramids, and their calendar have endured not in a new-age Shambhala of love and light, but in a milieu of treachery, beatings, torture, rape, and mass murder.

Decades of Darkness (ทศวรรษแห่งความมืดมน)

For 30 long years right-wing Guatemalan governments — supported both overtly and covertly by the US government — waged a terrorist war against the people of the land, murdering over 200,000 citizens, many of them indigenous Mayan people.

When the war finally wound down in the 1990s, the United Nations Truth Commission conducted an 18-month investigation. The UN found massive violations of human rights by the government of Guatemala with the complicity of the US government. The UN report stated that acts of "aggressive, racist and extremely cruel" violence descended to the level of genocide directed against the country's indigenous Mayan population.

When Amnesty International studied the Guatemalan situation in recent years, they came to an arresting conclusion. They wrote that real peace could come only through confronting Guatemala's "Corporate Mafia State."

They described this corporate Mafia state as an,
"'unholy alliance' of certain national and international economic actors, who work alongside sectors of the police and military and common criminals to control ‘black’ industries such as drugs, arms trafficking, money laundering, car theft rings, illegal adoptions, and kidnapping for ransom."
About the great dark shadow that has hung over the south-most part of Turtle Island, Mr. Barrios observes:
"These injustices began five hundred years ago and continue to this very day in all the Americas. The Indian Wars have never ended... I think the power holders in the developed world see it as necessary to destroy the indigenous peoples, or at least to destroy their culture, because they are not ‘consumers.’ The American Dream is built on the back of the Third World... But that is a false distinction for there is no Third World. There is only one world. We are all part of that one world, and we are all due respect."
While Guatemala has ostensibly been at peace for the last eight years, it is a disturbed peace. The war continues to have a residual impact on the people. Human rights violations still occur regularly, and even international human-rights monitors have been under threat.

Still, in the view of Mr. Barrios who came of age during the war, there have been improvements.
"There are no armed guerillas, and the police and army are more decent, more respectful," he observed. "Because there is more human respect now, we can try to find a new life."
One eventual consequence of Guatemala’s long-enduring climate of terrorism, has been mistrust and criticism. From this few are immune. Accusations are often aimed at people who purport to speak of the Mayan traditions. Mr. Barrios is enmeshed in this matrix of uncertainty. He criticizes others, and he criticized himself. He has become a figure of controversy for some traditional Mayan elders.


The World will Not End (โลกจะไม่สิ้นสุด)

Carlos Barrios was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tradition keepers, the Mam carry part of the old ways on Turtle Island (North America). They are keepers of time, authorities on remarkable calendars that are ancient, elegant and relevant.

Carlos Barrios เกิดในครอบครัวชาวสเปนของ El Altiplano แถบที่ราบสูงของ กัวเตมาลา บ้านอยู่ที่ Huehuetenango
ซึ่งเป็นที่อยู่ของ เผ่ามายา และชาวพื้นเมืองอื่นๆที่ยังรักษาธรรมเนียมและความเชื่อเดิม เขายังรักษาความรู้เกี่ยวกับเวลา และปฏิทินเก่าแก่ น่าทึ่ง น่าพิศวง


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